About Us

DSC_0131_ppThe Hope Chest is owned and operated by Katrina Thomas. Katrina started sewing as a 4-Her when she was eight years old. She made her first quilt as a teenager.

A few projects were made in the following years. Katrina was teaching knitting and crocheting classes when one of her students asked her to teach a quilting class. She was hooked and a new career was launched.

Since 1996 Katrina has gained many followers in the quilting world. She teaches regularly in her home studio and also workshops at guilds, shows, church quilt groups, and quilt shops.

In 2010 she started using Studio 180 Rapid Fire and Fundamental tools. It was a match made in heaven. These tools correspond with Katrina’s desire to have size flexibility along with extreme accuracy.

The Egg Basket That Went Around The BlockKatrina immediately started to incorporate these tools in her own designs. In the spring of 2014 she became a Certified Instructor for Studio 180 Design.

Over the years Katrina has designed many quilts. Some of Katrina’s designs have been featured in Fon’s and Porter Love of Quilting and Quilter’s Newsletter Magazines.

Katrina currently resides in Bainbridge, New York in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains. When not quilting, she enjoys gardening, baking, hiking, and cross-country skiing, as well as spending as much time as possible with her family.

If you have any questions or need further information, contact Katrina.

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About The Hope Chest

The Hope Chest offers quilt designs, workshops, classes and supplies. Katrina Thomas is a Studio 180 Design certified instructor with 18+ years of experience.

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The Hope Chest
274 Corbin Road,
Bainbridge, New York 13733


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